M and N minimal pairs
The words featured on this page are minimal pairs in that they differ by one sound. In this case it is the M and N sounds. The difference can be at the start of the words (initial sound), in the middle of the words (medial sound), or at the end of the words (final sound).
There are 4 printables with 32 picture flashcards using minimal pairs M and N words. You can use these to play learning games, for matching activities or just rote pronunciation practice. The cards use the minimal pairs with the initial and final sounds.
How to pronounce the M sound
The M sound is voiced meaning that it comes from your vocal chords, you should feel a vibration or buzzing in your throat. With your mouth closed make the sound flow out through your nose.
How to pronounce the N sound
This is similar to the M sound in that it is also voiced and the sound comes through your nose. This time do not close your mouth when you make the sound. Open your lips and put your tongue on the roof of your mouth making sure that it touches the sides of your teeth..
M and N minimal pairs initial sound
mag - nag | mail - nail | man - nan | map - nap |
mat - gnat | may - neigh | me - knee | mead - knead |
meal - kneel | meat - neat | meter - neater | mice - nice |
might - knight | mile - Nile | mill - nil | mine - nine |
mitt - knit | moat - note | mob - knob | moo - new |
moon - noon | mope - nope | motion - notion | mow - know |
mum - numb | mutt - nut | mutter - nutter |
M and N minimal pairs medial sound
Amending - unending | clams - clans | combs - cones |
dimmer - dinner | gamer - gainer | gummed - gunned |
Grammy - granny | scammer - scanner | skimmed - skinned |
smacked - snacked | tumor - tuna |
M and N minimal pairs final sound
beam - bean | blame - blain | boom - boon | cam - can |
came - cane | clam - clan | comb - cone | deem - dean |
dim - din | dime - dine | dorm - dawn | dumb - done |
fame - feign | foam - phone | game - gain | gleam - glean |
gnome - known | gram - gran | grim - grin | gum - gun |
home - hone | lime - line | mam - man | meme - mean |
same - sane | scam - scan | scream - screen | shim - shin |
sim - sin | skim - skin | spam - span | some - son |
team - teen | term - tern |
Practice sentences
Here are some sentences for practicing the miniml pairs M and N –
The team of teens screamed at the screen.
They are nice mice.
She lives a mile from the Nile.
He got a nail in the mail.
Grin when things are grim.
The meat is neat at the butchers shop.
There is a line on the lime.
Mine are size nine.
Gnomes are known to have naps on maps.
Beans at noon and beams from the moon.