frog idioms and expressions

18 Frog idioms and expressions

Frog idioms and expressions

Frogs are slippery amphibians that to some folk are beautiful while to others are not. There are said to be over 5000 different species of frogs on the planet that come in all colors and sizes. They are the basis of many interesting English phrases, some with some strange idiomatic meanings.

Here you will find a peculiar collection of frog idioms and expressions along with their meanings and some example sentences. How many of these frog phrases do you know? Let’s hop on in and take a look!


The frog expressions are –


  1. A big frog in a small pond
  2. To have a frog in your throat
  3. To hit the frog and toad
  4. Frog face
  5. To rain bullfrogs
  6. A frog choker
  7. Frog slicing
  8. To be as cross as a frog in a sock
  9. Like herding frogs
  10. Fine as frog hair
  11. To eat the frog
  12. As mad as a box of frogs
  13. To juggle frogs
  14. To croak
  15. To be frogmarched
  16. A boiling frog
  17. If frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their butts when they hop
  18. To know no more than a frog knows about bedsheets
a big frog in a small storm

Frog expressions with meanings and examples

1 – A big frog in a small pond

This idiom is also said as “A big fish in a small pond” and “The biggest frog in the puddle” It is used to describe a person who is the most important, most intelligent, experienced, or powerful in a small group. Once they leave their small group for a larger group or community they may not be as successful as they were because there will be more competition and things will be much more difficult.

It can have both positive and negative meanings. Positively to say that a person is extremely skilled or talented, or negatively to say that they need to be challenged with more difficult circumstances. The expression “A small frog in a big pond” has the opposite meaning.

Example – He is just a big frog in a small pond in that football league, he needs to go play at a higher level.


2 – To have a frog in your throat

This is used to describe the feeling of losing your voice and being unable to talk even though you want to. Your throat feels somehow blocked as if there is a frog inside it. This can be because of a cough, a dry throat or other illness.

Example – I’m sorry, I finding it really hard to talk right now. I have a frog in my throat.


3 – To hit the frog and toad

This frog expression comes from the UK and is also used in Australia. It is Cockney rhyming slang that means road (frog and toad rhymes with road). Occasionally this is also shortened and only the word frog is used.

Example – Let’s get ready to leave in 30 minutes. I want to get on the frog and toad as soon as possible.


4 – Frog face

This is an insulting term to say that someone is ugly or in some cases nerdy. The face of a frog is generally not regarded to be beautiful.

its raining bullfrogs and pitchforks

5 – To rain bullfrogs

To rain bullfrogs is an American frog phrase that simply means heavy rain. Some people just say “It is raining frogs” to describe a heavy downpour while others may use more colorful phrases like “It is raining pitchforks and bullfrogs” and “Raining frogs and tadpoles”.

Example – I’m not going outside in that weather, it is raining bullfrogs out there!


6 – A frog choker

This expression comes from the southern USA and is used to describe a very heavy rainstorm. The meaning is there is so much water falling out of the sky that it could choke a frog! It can also be said as “A frog strangler”.


7 – Frog slicing

This silly frog expression is used to refer to biology or more particularly biology class in school. Many high schools in Western nations have a biology class in which a frog is dissected and sliced open to teach its anatomy.

Example – I have 3 more classes today, art, then geography, followed by frog slicing.


8 – To be as cross as a frog in a sock

This means to be very angry. Another way to say this expression is “To go off like a frog in a sock”. In this case, the person is expressing their anger.

Example – His father was as cross as a frog in a sock after he broke the window with a ball.

like herding frogs expression

9 – Like herding frogs

If something is like herding frogs it is very chaotic, disorderly, and hard to manage. Imagine trying to herd a group of slippery bouncing frogs, it would be quite the task. This idiom is also said as “like herding cats” and is most commonly used to describe a group of people.

Example – It is really hard to control this group of children in the classroom, it is like herding frogs!


10 – Fine as frog hair

This can also be said as fine as frog fuzz and is simply used to say that something is excellent or that you are doing very well.

Example – Look at that model railway Tom has built. It is as fine as frog hair.


11 – To eat the frog

To eat the frog is to start your day by doing the most difficult and important task to be done. This is said to help people be more productive in their lives and is often used to motivate a person.

Example – Don’t sleep in late tomorrow. Wake up early and eat your frog if you want to be successful in life!


12 – As mad as a box of frogs

In this slang simile, the word mad does not mean angry but insane. It is used to describe someone as crazy.

Example – There is so much traffic on the road at this time, you would have to be as mad as a box of frogs to drive around the city now!

to juggle frogs

13 – To juggle frogs

If you are juggling frogs you are having difficulties because you are trying to do many things all at the same time.

Example – I go to school during the day, work at night, and am trying to take care of two teenage boys. I feel as though I am juggling frogs at the moment.


14 – To croak

While this word describes the sound frogs make it can also mean to die or kill. This usage is rather informal slang. Another meaning of croak is to speak in a rough or raspy voice.

Example 1 – I don’t think my car will last much longer, the engine is about to croak.

Example 2 – As she was lying in bed ill, she croaked to her husband that she wanted a glass of water.


15 – To be frogmarched

A person who is frogmarched is physically forced to move or walk by another person by holding them from behind and pushing them forward. Most commonly the person who is frogmarched has their hands held behind their back.

Example – The man who ran on the football field during the game was frogmarched off by police officers when they caught him.


16 – A boiling frog

This metaphor depicts a problem or bad situation that is slowly becoming worse without people noticing. The situation will become gradually worse until it is too late to fix or do anything about it. It comes from a story about a frog that is put into a pot of cold water that slowly gets hotter until it boils. The frog doesn’t know it is being boiled until it is too late!

Example – The deforestation of the Amazon jungle is a boiling frog, people won’t realize how bad it is until the jungle is destroyed completely.


17 – If frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their butts when they hop

This silly frog expression simply means that you should not hope or wish for things that are not possible.

Example – A “When I win the lottery I will buy you a nice house”.

B “Yeah right, and If frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their butts!”.


18 – To know no more than a frog knows about bedsheets

This simply means to have no idea or knowledge of all about something. Would a frog really know what a bedsheet is? Of course not, they are oblivious to their existence.

Example – I don’t understand why she wants to open a restaurant, she knows no more about cooking than a frog knows about bedsheets!

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