Free printable lightning bolt templates (14 PDFs)
Free PDF pages of lightning bolt templates and outlines for arts and crafts fun.
Craft handouts and activities for kids teens and adults. These active projects will bring a lot of enjoyment to your classes and can be used to supplement classes with similar topics.
Free PDF pages of lightning bolt templates and outlines for arts and crafts fun.
Free PDF pages of cloud templates and outlines for arts and crafts.
Free PDF pages of elephant outlines and templates that can be used for arts and crafts.
A big collection of starfish templates with different sizes and shapes.
Free railway track pages and trains for kids to print out and assemble.
An assortment of leaf templates and outlines for creative arts and crafts projects.
Free printable pages with assorted paper bee craft activities for kids and teens.
Free printable PDF pages of sun templates and outlines for arts and crafts activities.
Printable paper frog craft templates for kids to create cute pictures.
Printable dinosaur skeleton pages that can be used for various arts and craft activities.
Printable clock faces with hands as well as blank clock faces for craft learning activities about the time.