25 conversation questions about tourism

25 Conversation questions about tourism

Conversation questions about tourism

Tourism is a massive worldwide industry that just about every country embraces. Most people love to go to new places, meet new people, and see new things. This is a fun speaking topic that is particularly interesting for those who are working in the tourism industry or want to in the future.

The most challenging terms for English language learners in these discussion questions about tourism include – industry, domestic, international, festival, consider, medical, charge (money), locals, provide, ecotourism, rely, nationality, create, destroy, promote, and mention.


The conversation questions about tourism are – 


1 – What are the first 5 things that you think of when you hear the word tourism?

2 – Is tourism a big industry in your country? Where do most tourists go and why?

3 – Do you see more domestic or international tourists traveling around your country?

4 – Are there any special festivals or food that bring tourism to where you live?

5 – Do you spend much money on travel each year? Where will you go next?

6 – Have you ever considered medical tourism? Where would you go for this and why?

7 – Which countries are very cheap for tourists? Which countries are very expensive?

8 – Do tourists pay the same prices as locals in your country or are they charged more?

9 – Would you like to work in the tourism industry? What job would you like to do?

10 – Do tourists ever come to your hometown? What is there for tourists to do there?

11 – What are some popular websites about tourism? What do these websites provide?

12 – How would you describe ecotourism? Is it becoming more popular in your country?

13 – What could your country do to bring in more tourists from around the world?

14 – Have you ever had any problems while traveling as a tourist? What happened?

15 – What are some countries that rely heavily on tourism for their economies?

16 – How much money do you think that a tourist spends per week visiting your country?

17 – Which nationalities visit your country as tourists the most often? Why is this so?

18 – In what ways can tourism be bad for the environment? How can this be helped?

19 – What kinds of jobs does tourism create? Can tourism ever destroy jobs? How?

20 – How do you think that tourism around the world will change in the future?

21 – What are some things that could be built in your local area to encourage tourism?

22 – In what ways do older and younger tourists travel differently?

23 – Do you like to watch TV shows about tourism? What was the last show you saw?

24 – What do you think about tourists visiting your country? Are you happy that they visit?

25 – If you were to promote tourism for your country, what things would you mention?

a tourist taking a photo in Thailand
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