covid vocabulary worksheet for English classes

3 free printable COVID vocabulary worksheets

Covid vocabulary worksheets

These covid vocabulary worksheets are useful for any classroom in the modern world and also to help reinforce correct behaviour to prevent the virus from spreading. The vocabulary includes covid symptoms, behaviour, objects, places, and other terminology associated with the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the vocabularies are quite challenging and you may want to consider letting your students use a dictionary or an electronic translator to complete the exercises. Please note I am not a doctor or a scientist and if you feel like one of the worksheets represents something you disagree with –  please don’t use or download it. I feel it is important to get this language out there though, and any learned is of course valuable in some way or another!

To get students actively using this vocabulary try the COVID conversation questions as well.

For the first free handout above the answers should be as follows –

Avoid skin contact – Cough – Dizzy – Pandemic

Contagious – Injection – Fever – Lung infection

Nausea – Vaccine – Sore Throat – Runny Nose

Medicine – Hospitalised – Coronavirus – Travel Ban

Coronavirus vocabulary worksheet

Another worksheet with some different language. This printable is somewhat less graphic than the others and is better for younger students although the level of difficulty is still very high.

The answers are –

Hand sanitiser – Gloves – Lungs – Face Shield

Soap – Social Distancing – Disinfectant – Syringe

Stay at Home – Thermometer – Pills – Hazmat Suit

Face mask – Wash Hands – Hospital – Tissues


Covid 19 vocabulary worksheet

This handout also has some new vocabulary compared to the previous sheets.

The solution should be –

No Travel – Fever – Immune – Gas Mask

Hospital Bed – Stay Home – Bat and Virus – Epidemic

Social Distancing – Blood test – Information – Fatigue

Field Hospital – Avoid Crowds – City Lockdown – Research

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