25 flying conversation questions

25 flying conversation questions

Flying conversation questions

25 discussion questions for the ESL classroom on the subject of air travel.

Difficult words on this worksheet include – baggage, refuse, canceled, delayed, takeoff, land, nervous, annoying, and pass (time). Note that some of the questions about flying below have been expanded and are longer than the worksheet ones.


The flying conversation questions are –


1 – Where do you prefer to sit on a plane? Do you prefer the window or aisle seats?

2- Who do you like traveling with? When did you last go on a flight together?

3 – What airlines have you flown with? Which one was best? Were the seats large enough?

4 – Do you get scared or nervous on planes? What are you afraid of?

5 – What is the longest flight you’ve ever taken? Did you enjoy the flight?

6 – Would you like to be a pilot? How long does it take to become a pilot?

7- Have you ever met an annoying person during a flight? What happened?

8 – What do you think of airline food? Do you ever bring your own food on planes?

9 – What things can’t you take on a plane? Have you ever had something confiscated?

10 – Can you sleep on planes? What can help you do this?

11 – What things do you do to pass the time on plane flights?

12 – How early do you go to the airport before a flight? Do you like airports?

13 – What things do you take on flights? What are they for?

14 – What 3 words would you use to describe planes?

15 – Have you experienced turbulence? How did you feel?

16 – Do you think flying is safer than driving?

17 – Have you ever had your flight canceled or delayed? How long did you have to wait?

18 – Do you enjoy takeoff and landing?

19 – How far is the nearest airport from your home? Do you often see planes in the sky?

20 – Are there any airlines you refuse to fly with? Why don’t you like them?

21 – What movies have you seen about airplanes?

22 – What do you usually buy at airports? Are these things expensive?

23 – How much baggage do you take with you when flying? What kind of luggage do you use?

24 – Have you ever lost your baggage or had something broken? What happened?

25 – What are the best and worst airports that you have been to?

airplane taking off for flying
Flying Idioms

There are some interesting flying idioms and English expressions that you may want to introduce to your students, here are a few –

If you are flying blind you are in a situation or are doing something without any help or guidance. You are simply relying on your instincts and good luck to get you through. Think of a pilot flying through thick fog or clouds and you get the idea behind this idiom.

If a person is fly by night, this means they are unreliable or even dishonest. In the business world, such a person has no scruples with not paying debts and is financially irresponsible.

A high-flying person is very successful in business or their career. It can also be used to describe someone who is highly likely to be successful or very ambitious.

view from a plane wing flying in bad weather
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