Free homophones worksheets
These are some awesome homophones worksheet resources. The printables range from easy enough for kids to quite difficult. By looking at the pictures students must find and write the homophone pairs.
These fun activities are good for learning both vocabulary and pronunciation. Learners find it easy to remember words that sound the same as ones they already know!
Worksheets 1 to 9 start at 1 being the easiest and 9 being the hardest. Sheets 10 and 11 are quite easy and are best for kids.
If you need the answers to the homophones worksheets, just scroll down to the bottom of this page and you will find them there.
Note that some of our northern American friends pronounce a few of these words differently. Just choose the sheets that work best for you!
What is a homophone?
Homophones are simply words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings and usually different spelling. For example blue and blew. While the spoken version of these 2 words sounds the same the spelling is different and they have dissimilar meanings. Blue is a colour and blew is the past simple of the verb blow.
If a set of homophones are spelt the same way they can also be called homographs. If they are spelt differently the can also be known as heterographs. Homophones also come in larger than groups of 2 words. Here is an example of a set of 7 – rays, raise, reis, res, rase, rehs, raze.
Homophones worksheet answers
Here are all the answers for the above homophones worksheets –
Worksheet 1
1 = Board and Bored, 2 = Buy and Bye, 3 = Hare and Hair, 4 = Eight and Ate, 5 = Knight and Night, 6 = Mail and Male, 7 = Piece and Peace, 8 = See and Sea
Worksheet 2
1 = Beat and Beet, 2 = Dye and Die, 3 = Weak and Week, 4 = Sun and Son, 5 = Moose and Mousse, 6 = Road and Rode, 7 = Saw and Sore, 8 = Pair and Pear
Worksheet 3
1 = Base and Bass, 2 = Larva and Lava, 3 = Weight and Wait, 4 Poor and Pour, 5 = Boy and Buoy, 6 = Break and Brake, 7 = Genes, and Jeans, 8 = Muscles and Mussels
Worksheet 4
1 = Bear and Bare, 2 = Heal and Heel, 3 = Pray and Prey, 4 = Bury and Berry, 5 = Spar and Spa, 6 = Rose and Rows, 7 = Raw and Roar, 8 = Maze and Maize
Worksheet 5
1 = Cents and Scents, 2 = Wore and War, 3 = Row and Roe, 4 = Fair and Fare, 5 = Sale and Sail, 6 = Stair and Stare, 7 = Waste and Waist, 8 = Mind and Mined
Worksheet 6
1 = Pier and Peer, 2 = Rays and Raise, 3 = Sole and Soul, 4 = Leak and Leek, 5 = Veil and Vale, 6 = Towed and Toad, 7 = Links and Lynx, 8 = Know and No
Worksheet 7
1 = Tail and Tale, 2 = Root and Route, 3 = Chord and cord, 4 = Steal and Steel, 5 = Source and Sauce, 6 = Hole and Whole, 7 = Tire and Tyre, 8 = Wring and Ring
Worksheet 8
1 = Gorilla and Guerilla, 2 = Beach and Beech, 3 = Read and Reed, 4 = Rap and Wrap, 5 = Loot and Lute, 6 = Stalk and Stork, 7 = Naval and Navel, 8 = Key and Quay
Worksheet 9
1 = Stake and Steak, 2 = Throne and Thrown, 3 = Currant and Current, 4 = Ark and Arc, 5 = Thyme and Time, 6 = Yolk and Yoke, 7 = Friar and Fryer, 8 = Duel and Dual
Worksheet 10
In sheet 10 we have the word pairs of – muscle and mussel, sell and cell, male and mail, write and right, steel and steal, paws and pause, tie and Thai, pi and pie, maze and maize and finally hare and hair.
Worksheet 11
On this handout we have the pairs – flour and flower, see and sea, knight and night, son and sun, peace and piece, rode and road, pear and pair, meet and meat, hi and high, plain and plane.