color by letter worksheet flower

11 Free color by letter worksheets (PDF)

Color by letter worksheets

These free color by letter worksheets make for fun and engaging activities that help kids learn both colors and the alphabet. The PDF pages contain cute pictures of animals, plants, food, and more that can be easily colored in to reveal themselves. You will easily find something related to what students are currently learning, are interested in, or for holidays such as Easter and Halloween.

The concept of these coloring pages is very simple, each picture is broken up into segments that are marked with a letter of the alphabet. Each letter represents a color that is to be used in that part of the picture. A guide or key is provided on each page for learners to follow. All that is required to complete these activities are some pencils, crayons, or markers. For those feeling more adventurous, acrylic or watercolor paints can also be used, printing on thick paper or card stock is a good idea here.

The color by letter sheets use mostly the letters from A to E or A to G but you will find activities for the entire alphabet. The pages also use both uppercase and lowercase letters and help teach letter recognition as well as fine motor skills as kids carefully fill in each space correctly.

The pages are designed with kindergarten, preschool, and early primary school-aged students in mind but you will find that even slightly older students will enjoy them. It is always a good idea to keep a few of these worksheets on hand for students who complete their assigned work early and need something else to keep them busy. You may even find other class members speeding up to finish their exercises because they want to do a color by letter worksheet too!

Ideas for using the color by letter worksheets

Here are a few tips and tricks that you might find useful when using these pages with young learners –

Most kindergarten aged children will not be able to read the names of the colors on the coloring guide. To help them out with this you can simply take the correct colored pencil or crayon and shade over the word. This way they can easily associate the letters with their colors.

For some classes you can also involve speaking with these coloring pages, there are several ways that you can do this. Firstly cut the color guides from the page, once this is done, students are to ask the teacher “What color is A?” “What color is B?” and so on. You can also tell each student one of the letter’s colors so that they can ask each other.

Finally, try using the colors of each letter in a game of Chinese whispers, learners can speak and listen until they get all the colors they need. This is a great idea for very active classes that like to move around a lot in the classroom.

Get learners to say each letter out loud as they are coloring in. They can also say the letter and color as they go. For example “A is yellow”, “Y is green”, and “M is the color pink”.

If you like these free worksheets also have a look at the printable color by number pages. They are just like the ones here except instead of coloring by alphabet they use numbers.


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