25 conversation questions about lunch

25 Tasty conversation questions about lunch

Conversation questions about lunch

The midday meal is an important part of our diet. For some people it can be a large meal eaten over an hour or more. For others it is a quick bite to eat while working or on the go. Find out what people eat and do during this mealtime with these discussion questions about lunch.

For ESL learners, the most challenging terms in this speaking activity include – traditional, culture, skip lunch, terrible, lunch break, and event.


The conversation questions about lunch are –


1 – Describe the 6 pictures above. What can you see in the pictures?

2 – What does the word lunch mean to you? Is it more about food or something else?

3 – What did you eat for lunch today? What did you eat for lunch yesterday?

4 – Do you always eat lunch at the same time every day? At what time do you eat lunch?

5 – Where is your favorite place to sit and eat lunch? Why do you like it?

6 – What is something that you would never eat for lunch? Why not?

7 – Do you usually eat lunch alone or with other people? Who do you eat lunch with?

8 – If you could eat anything you wanted for lunch tomorrow, what would it be?

9 – Which restaurants get very busy at lunchtime in your area? What food do they sell?

10- What are some of the traditional midday meals in your country or culture?

11- Do you ever skip lunch? Why do you do this? How do you feel if you don’t eat lunch?

12- What did you eat for lunch at school when you were a child? Who made your food?

13- Have you ever had a terrible lunchtime meal? What did you eat and why was it bad?

14- What kinds of things do you like to drink with your lunch? Do you ever drink alcohol?

15- Do you enjoy making your own lunch? What dishes do you often cook for yourself?

16- How much time do you usually spend eating your lunch? Do you eat in a hurry?

17- If friends were coming to your home for lunch this weekend, what would you make?

18- How long are lunch breaks for most workers in your country? How about students?

19- What is the first thing that you do once you have finished eating your lunch?

20- Do you think that what you eat for lunch is healthy for you? Why or why not?

21- What things do you do while you are eating your lunch? Do you ever work or study?

22- Where is a good place for a picnic lunch in your area? What can you see there?

23- Has your company or school ever had a lunch event? What happened at it?

24- Do you ever eat fast food for lunch? What do you eat and how much does it cost?

25- When was the last time somebody bought you lunch? What did you eat and where?

a working lunch meal

Expressions about lunch

Here are some idioms and expressions about lunch that you can use to continue the conversation once you have completed discussing the questions about lunch.

When we say that a person is out to lunch it can mean that they are not paying attention or are absentminded.

To eat someone’s lunch is to beat or defeat them at something easily.

The term Al desko refers to eating and working at a desk.

If you get a free lunch, you get something for free without any kind of payment.

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