esl video games vocabulary worksheet

ESL video games vocabulary worksheets

ESL video games vocabulary

Video games and gaming are increasingly popular amongst all student age groups. Test and build your student’s knowledge with these beautiful free handouts.

After completing 1 or more of these worksheets you may also want to move on to a discussion activity. For this check out the video games conversation questions.

The answers for the first ESL video games vocabulary worksheet above are as follows –

FPs – Board Game – Racing Game – Sound Effects

Keyboard – Strategy Game – Game Rules – Online Game

Sports Game – Mobile Game – Action Game – Adventure Game

Kids Game – RPG – Control Pad – Puzzle Game

You may want to explain the acronyms RPG (role-playing game), and FPS (first-person shooter) before giving your students this handout. Do this by getting them to brainstorm game genres and if they aren’t mentioned you can add them to the list.


Gaming Vocabulary Worksheet

This handout contains hardware and a few gaming concepts. The answers are –

Joystick – Buttons – 2 player Game – Winner

Luck – Mobile Game – Keyboard and Mouse – Gaming PC

Game Console – Health – Hand Held Game Console – Online Game

Control Pad – Arcade Game – Virtual Reality Headset – Map

Video Games Vocabulary Worksheet

This handout has 16 objects and concepts commonly found in games. The solution is –

Potion – Weapon – Treasure – Life

Level – Armour – Puzzle – Magic

Castle – Death – Prize – Jewel

Food – Shield – Timer – Health

Gaming words worksheet

This worksheet is similar to the one above but has different pictures and some different gaming vocabulary.

The answers should be –

Lock – Timer – Potion – Fire

Bag of coins – Bomb – Food – Key

Information – Life – Death – Power

Crystal – Coin – Book – Treasure

Further Video Games Activity

Once completing these worksheets a good follow-up activity is to get your students to describe a game. They can do this either through writing or verbally. Ask your class to describe a game they like using the vocabulary learned.

They can state the game genre, what it is played on, what objects are in the game, how it is played, and what is its final objective.

Don’t let them say the name of the game and see if the rest of the class can guess what it is!

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