food crossword 1

5 free fun food crossword puzzles

Food crossword puzzles

Here are some mixed food crossword puzzles that make learning food vocabulary fun! These crosswords all use picture clues and are fine to be printed in black and white.

If your students struggle with the vocab you can always just write the answers in a random arrangement on the board. They work really well as warm ups for food-related lessons, cooler activities. homework exercises, and just a general activity for students that finish their assigned work early.

The answers for the first food crossword puzzle above are as follows – 1 pancakes, 2 sandwich, 3 fig, 4 honey, 5 noodles, 6 cookie, 7 milk, 8 waffles, 9 cereal, 10 sausages, 11 avocado, 12 shrimp, 13 salmon, 14 salad, 15 lemon, 16 chocolate, 17 coconut, 18 bacon, 19 peanut butter.

Food crossword puzzle 2

This second crossword also contains mixed food and drinks.

The solution for this puzzle is –

1 dragon fruit, 2 broccoli, 3 cheese, 4 milkshake, 5 pizza, 6 salami, 7 mushrooms, 8 popcorn, 9 pear, 10 bread, 11 tomato, 12 muffin, 13 tea, 14 lettuce, 15 cream, 16 chips/fries, 17 chicken. 18 nuts, 19 cake.

Fast food crossword puzzle

Here is a puzzle with 19 different kinds of fast food.

The answers to this crossword are –

1 french fries, 2 fried chicken, 3 kebab, 4 onion rings, 5 sausage, 6 sandwich, 7 popcorn, 8 burger, 9 cupcake, 10 egg and bacon, 11 pancakes, 12 steak, 13 noodles, 14 taco, 15 pizza, 16 corn

Fruit crossword

This food crossword puzzle features 19 different kinds of fruit. There are a few hard or lesser-known fruits in this one such as persimmon, durian and pomelo.

The complete solution for this crossword is –

1 pineapple, 2 kiwi, 3 watermelon, 4 papaya, 5 peach, 6 cherries, 7 starfruit, 8 strawberry, 9 plum, 10 persimmon, 11 lemon, 12 durian, 13 fig, 14 pomelo, 15 pear, 16banana, 17 orange, 18 raspberry, 19 apple.

Vegetables crossword

Here is a crossword with only vegetables. Depending on where you are in the world, some vegetables have different names. For example, zucchini is often called courgette in England and eggplant is known as aubergine. You can explain to your students that both forms of these words are acceptable but only one will work to solve the puzzle.

The solution for this crossword should be –

1 cabbage, 2 asparagus, 3 potatoes, 4 zucchini, 5 broccoli, 6 carrots, 7 radish, 8 peas, 9 squash, 10 tomato, 11 onion, 12 spinach, 13 eggplant, 14 garlic, 15 corn, 16 cauliflower, 17 lettuce, 18 beetroot, 19 pumpkin.

Related activities

For a fruit challenge, see if your students can complete the Asian fruits vocabulary worksheet.

There are also vocabulary matching worksheets for different levels about vegetables and world food.

If you are looking for discussion activities check the conversation archives for one of the several food-related speaking worksheets.

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