photography vocabulary worksheet pdf

Free photography vocabulary worksheets

Photography vocabulary worksheets

Free worksheets on photography terminology, camera equipment, and digital cameras for ESL classes. Each handout is different so take a close look at which one is most suitable for your class.

For a discussion activity, have a look at the photography conversation questions handout.

The answers for the first photography vocabulary worksheet above are –

1 Lens Filter, 2 Aperture, 3 Portrait, 4  DSLR camera, 5 Lighting Ring, 6 Rule of Thirds, 7 Mirrorless Camera, 8 Flash, 9 Battery, 10 Memory Cards, 11 Stabilizer, 12 Drone, 13 Landscape, 14 Tripod, 15 Lense, 16 Golden Ratio

Photography Vocabulary 2

This worksheet has some different words and black line artwork.

The answers for this activity are – 1 Micro SD Card, 2 Gallery, 3 Lens Cap, 4 Lens Hood, 5 Focus, 6 lens brush, 7 Cloudy, 8 Timer, 9 Tripod, 10 Shutter, 11 Cable, 12 Lighting Umbrella, 13 Brightness, 14 Stabilizer, 15 Film Roll, 16 Panorama.

Digital Camera Vocabulary

This worksheet has words usually found on a digital camera interface and menu.

The answers are –

1 Brightness, 2 Battery Charging, 3 Delete Image, 4 Video Mode, 5 Zoom In, 6 Colour, 7 Auto Flash, 8 Correction, 9 Flash Off, 10 Panorama Mode, 11 Save, 12 Zoom Out, 13 Macro, 14 Low Battery, 15 Camera Mode, 16 Full Battery.

Basic Photography Vocabulary

An easy worksheet for beginners and newcomers to photography language. The 12 answers for this handout are –

1 Batteries, 2 Flash, 3 Portrait Photo, 4 Memory Card, 5 Backdrop, 6 Air Blower, 7 Lighting, 8 Tripod, 9 Landscape Photo, 10 Action Camera, 11 Film, 12 Lens.


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