photography conversation questions for ESL

25 photography conversation questions

Photography conversation questions

Everyone takes photos and has pictures of themselves taken. Here is a free ESL discussion handout for intermediate classes and above. A good warm-up for this exercise is to use one of the photography vocabulary worksheets.

Some of the difficult words to go over with your students before doing this discussion activity include – brand, model, professional, photogenic, and pose.

The photography conversations questions are –

What do you usually take photos of?

What do you think of selfies and selfie sticks?

What is the best photograph you have ever taken? When did you take it?

Do you own a camera? What kind? Do you know its brand and model?

Do you know anyone who takes very bad photos? Why are the photos bad?

Which kind of photography interests you most?

Have you ever used an action camera like a GoPro? What did you film?

If you were to take a photo of a stranger on the street, would you ask them first?

What is the most scenic place in your country for photography?

What things are important to think about when taking a photograph?

How often do you post photographs that you take on social media?

Where do you keep all the photographs that you take?

What are your passport and Identification photos like? Are you happy with them?

What photography equipment would you like to buy?

What animals have you taken pictures of?

Do you think you look better in photographs or in real life?

If you could go anywhere in the world to take photos, where would you go?

Do you think it takes a lot of skill to be a professional photographer?

If you could do portrait photography of anyone, who would it be?

Do your parents have any pics of you when you were younger that you don’t like?

Who is the most photogenic person in your family?

How do people usually pose for a photo in your country?

What is your favourite photograph that was taken by someone else?

Do you know how to edit photos on a computer? How do you do it?

What country do you think makes the best cameras? Why do you think so?

a girl with a camera
Photography Idioms

If you photobomb someone you appear in a photo unexpectedly, usually trying to be funny.

If a person doesn’t like having their picture taken they can be referred to as camera shy.

When a person tells you to look at the big picture they are saying you should look at a something with a longterm view or on a wider scale.


photographer on a mountain at sunset
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