free printable cloud templates image

Free printable cloud templates (18 PDFs)

Printable cloud templates

Clouds are wonderful things that come in all manner of appearances. We often stare at clouds and imagine they look like animals and other objects that come to mind. No two clouds are ever the same, making them a fantastic subject for creative activities.

Here, you will find an interesting assortment of printable cloud templates that have different shapes and sizes. There are small clouds, big clouds, rain clouds, wind-blown clouds, and more! If you are looking for cloud outlines for an arts and crafts project, you are sure to find just what you are looking for on this page.

If you don’t yet have an activity in mind, read on below for some great ideas for using these free cloud printables. For larger-scale projects try combining different kinds of clouds to give your creative works some variety which will make them look more realistic.

Ideas for using the cloud template and outlines

There are many things that these free printables can be used for, here are some fun things that you might like to try – 

Murals and posters. By either using these shapes as stencils or by cutting them out and sticking them to things you can create your own sky pictures. You can also add one of the free sun templates to your design.

Brainstorm clouds. Use one of the large cloud templates as a frame for brainstorming ideas or particular vocabulary. This works well in the language learning environment and can be referred to later when students need ideas. The free printable lightning bolt templates will also be helpful for this.

Poetry clouds. Ask learners to write a poem or even a short story inside one of the bigger clouds. This of course is most suitable if the topic is related to weather or the sky.

Scissor practice. Being able to use a pair of scissors is important for young learners and many of the clouds here have simple shapes for kids to cut out. Let them stick the outlines to something once they are done.

Cloud name tags. Another great children’s activity, especially for playing games and start of the year classes. Learners are to write their names inside the clouds and then wear them where appropriate. You can either cut the shapes out beforehand or let students do this themselves.

Dream clouds. Ask your class to write their dreams inside one of the clouds. Depending on their abilities this can be 3 to 5 things or more. Afterward, they can talk about these wishes with the rest of the class.

Coloring. Of course, these outlines can be colored in. You can teach the basics of shading or just let learners fill the clouds with any colors and designs that they fancy.

Drawing. Learning to draw clouds can be a lot of fun, show some of these templates and shapes to your students to give them both inspiration and ideas.

Beach scene. Create a beautiful seaside scene with clouds on the horizon. This can be done on a large piece of card or as a diorama in a box. You find some nice palm trees on the tree outlines page as well as some great fish outlines to complement this idea here at ESL Vault.

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