Lion printable paper masks for kids

14 printable paper masks for kids

14 free printable paper masks for kids

These printouts are perfect for kid’s animal lessons or the Halloween holiday. Simply download and print the pdf files you want and get the students to decorate them.

Printing on cardboard is optimal but paper is fine. The students have the freedom to choose whatever colors they like, pencils and crayons are best for this.

Make sure they don’t worry too much about coloring the edges of the masks because once they are cut out it won’t matter. Feel free to add extra things like glitter, streamers, or anything else you have on hand.

Making the printable paper masks for kids

Once they are decorated and cut out you are ready for assembly.

Firstly with a pen or pencil make small holes where the eyes are and then cut the holes larger using scissors. Make them big enough for students to see out of when actually wearing them.

To make the masks wearable you have a few options. You can punch a hole in either side and attach a piece of string, elastic, or something similar. Make sure to reinforce the attached area with sticky tape to prevent tearing as this will happen as the kids take the masks on and off.

Another option is to create a verticle handle at the bottom of the mask so it can be held in front of the face. Popsicle sticks are good for this although you can get away with skewers or even a couple of drinking straws.

Art lesson plan for paper masks

To begin with, make sure to teach all the vocabulary useful for the class. You may need to teach the colors, the animals, and also the equipment needed to make the masks such as scissors, crayons, string, and sticky tape. You can also focus on verbs such as color, cut, stick, tie, wear, etc. Ask what they are doing what they are using and what they are doing. Try to make the class more than just a simple coloring exercise!

Next, lay the paper masks on a table, or better still stick them to your board with magnets. When a student wants to choose which mask they want to create make sure to ask questions and elicit responses. Depending on their ability level the questions may be as simple as “Which one do you like?” and “What colors will you make it?”. You can go on further asking questions like – Where is it from? What does it eat? What sound does it make? Decide what is best for your students to practice.

One key thing here is to have multiple copies of each mask as some kids get quite disappointed if the one they wanted isn’t available anymore. Also, have a quick competition or lottery to decide who picks first and last in a fair way.

When the kids are coloring the masks make sure to go to each student and ask useful practice questions. Ask about the colors they are using or what they are doing to the mask. If the students need a different colored crayon, some scissors, or sticky tape get them to ask for them. Try to get them to practice speaking English as much as possible!

Finally, use the printable paper masks for kids in an activity. You could have quick roleplays, sing songs to a suitable theme, have a competition to decide whose is best, or even a presentation.

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