Questions about wisdom
Wisdom is not only about having knowledge but also being able to make the right decisions and having good judgment. It is an admirable trait that all people can hope to gain more of. Here we have some interesting wisdom conversation questions that you can use to discuss this topic.
For ESL learners this is a rather advanced subject to talk about. The most challenging terms in this speaking activity include – consider, topic, historical figure, physical strength, generation, personality trait, hold back, and associated.
The conversation questions about wisdom are –
1 – Do you consider yourself to be a wise person? Why or why not?
2 – What is a topic or area in life in which you would like to have a lot of wisdom?
3 – Are there any sounds or kinds of music that make you think of wisdom?
4 – If you were going to draw a picture of wisdom what would it look like?
5 – What is the wisest thing anybody has ever said to you? Why did they say it?
6 – Is there a difference between wisdom and intelligence? How do you define the two?
7 – Who is the wisest person that you know? Why do you think that they are wise?
8 – What are 3 things a person can do to gain more wisdom? Do you do these things?
9 – Can you think of a historical figure who was very wise? What made them wise?
10- What are some thoughts of wisdom that you would like to give to your grandchildren?
11- Do you know an interesting expression about wisdom? What does it mean?
12- Older people are often thought to be wiser than younger people, why is this so?
13- In what ways can wisdom be more useful than physical strength? Give an example.
14- Do you think having a long memory helps a person be wise? Why or why not?
15- Would you say that your parents are wiser than you? Why do you think so?
16- What kinds of life experiences help people to gain more wisdom?
17- Are there any animals that you consider to be wise? Which ones and why?
18- Are you wiser now than you were 5 or 10 years ago? What things have you learned?
19- Do you think that future generations will have more wisdom? Why do you think so?
20- What are some personality traits that you think wise people often have?
21- Can you think of a situation in which being very wise could be a problem?
22- What things do you think are holding you back from gaining more wisdom?
23- If you were to meet an extremely wise person tomorrow what would you ask them?
24- What are some cultures that are known to have wise people?
25- Why are trees often associated with wisdom? Why are owls thought to be wise?

Expressions and idioms about wisdom
Here are some interesting expressions that you can introduce to your class or group after completing the discussion questions about wisdom.
A person who is as wise as Solomon is considered to be very wise just like the biblical king.
A particularly wise piece of knowledge or advice can be called a pearl of wisdom. This can also be called a nugget of wisdom.
If you know just about everything about a subject and are an expert on it you can be said to know it inside out.
Further activity
For an extra follow-up activity, you can introduce and discuss the expressions about owls. These night birds are and have been considered wise by many cultures going back a long way in history.