world flags worksheet for ESL classes

World flags worksheet printables

World flags worksheets

These printables are very useful when teaching students about countries and nationalities. All these worksheets are solvable in black and white although it does help if you can also project them in colour.


Easy world flags printable worksheet

An easy 9 flags handout for beginners and students who haven’t studied much geography. These seem to be the most common flags that are first introduced in most textbooks.

The answers are – Australia, Japan, The USA, The UK, Canada, South Korea, Spain, Egypt and Brazil.

Difficult world flags printable worksheet

This is a challenging worksheet that works great as a homework assignment or internet research activity.

The flags from left to right are – Uruguay, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Malaysia, New Zealand, Myanmar, Jamaica, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Singapore, Kenya, Chile, and Uzbekistan.

World flags and monuments worksheet

This printable has the country’s flag shaped like its landmass and a famous monument.

An extra activity is to see if students can name any of the monuments. There are also some printable world landmarks worksheets here at ESL VAult to learn about world monuments.

The answers for this printable are – Spain, The USA, India, Japan, The UK, France, Thailand, China, Egypt, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Turkey.

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