Dog conversation questions
25 conversation questions about dogs. Make sure students are familiar with the words – breed, stray, afraid, bark, attack, tricks and any others you think students don’t yet know.
There are also some dog vocabulary matching handouts here at ESL Vault along with a word search about dog breeds to go along with this activity.
The conversation questions about dogs
What places do you see dogs?
What tricks can dogs do?
Are you a dog person?
Have you ever had a dog or puppy?
What don’t you like about dogs?
Have you ever been attacked by a dog?
What kind of dogs do you like?
What dog breeds can be dangerous?
What is a good name for a dog?
Would you ever let a dog sleep in your bed?
Do you think dogs are intelligent?
What do you think of people who eat dogs?
Are there many stray dogs where you live?
What kinds of things do dogs like doing?
What would you feed a dog?
How can dogs help people?
Are dogs good for children?
Do you think dogs can live in apartments?
What dog breeds do you know?
Do you know anyone who is allergic to dogs?
What do you think about dog fights?
Do some people spend too much money on their dogs?
Do you know anyone who is afraid of dogs?
What would you do if your neighbour’s dog barked all night?