health discussion questions

50 Good health discussion questions

Health discussion questions

Here is a free PDF conversation worksheet of health discussion questions. You can download or print these 25 conversation questions for your class for a simple speaking activity.

There are a few medical words in this activity that may be new to your class. The most difficult terms that you may need to pre-teach beforehand include – stitches, vitamins, minerals, supplements, herbal, damage, insomnia, first-aid, and serious.

The health discussion questions are –


1 – How healthy do you feel right now?

2 – When did you last see a doctor?

3 – Have you ever been to the hospital?

4 – What things do you do to stay healthy?

5 – Have you ever broken a bone? What happened?

6 – Have you ever had stitches?

7 – What is your diet like? Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?

8 – How often do you see a dentist?

9 – How many hours of sleep do you usually get each night?

10 – Do you take vitamins or mineral supplements?

11 – What do you do when you catch a cold?

12 – What do you think about herbal medicine?

13 – What do you think about the covid virus?

14 – What is the most serious health problem in your country?

15 – What are some ways to deal with stress?

16 – What are hospitals like in your country?

17 – What are the best and worst jobs for your health?

18 – What things do you do that might damage your health?

19 – Who is the healthiest person in your family?

20 – What is the best thing to do when you have a headache?

21 – How often do you eat junk food? What kinds of junk food do you eat?

22 – Does your home have a first-aid kit?

23 – Have you ever had insomnia?

24 – Do you watch your weight?

25 – What do you think is a good age to live to?

Conversation questions about health 2

Here is a second set of health questions that are somewhat harder than the first.

For ESL learners the most difficult terms in these questions include – concern, admire, major, improve, insurance, home remedy, lifestyle, mental, physical, aging, member, take a day off, ideal, and meditation.

1 – What is something healthy that you have done today?

2 – How would you describe your health? Were you more or less healthy a year ago?

3 – Do you spend much time thinking about your health? What concerns you the most?

4 – Would you say that you drink enough water each day? How much do you drink?

5 – Do you come from a healthy family? What did your parents teach you about health?

6 – Who is a person that you admire because of their healthy living? What do they do?

7 – What is one major change you could make in your life to improve your health?

8 – Are medicine and hospitals expensive in your country? Do you have health insurance?

9 – How often do you take medicine and vitamins? Do you ever use home remedies?

10- Do you think most people in your country lead a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not?

11- Which do you think is more important, mental or physical health and why?

12- What is something you enjoy that you know is bad for your health? Can you stop it?

13- Can you trust that the fruit and vegetables are clean and healthy where you live?

14- When was the last time that you were ill? What was wrong and how did you recover?

15- What are 3 countries that you believe have a very healthy population?

16- Do you worry about your body aging? How will your body change as you grow older?

17- What is your blood pressure like? When did you last read your blood pressure?

18- Are you a member of any fitness clubs or groups that exercise together?

19- Do you know anyone who takes something strange to improve their health?

20- What is a food that you like to eat to improve your health? What does it taste like?

21- How often do you take a day off work or school because of an illness?

22- Do you think that your health would be better or worse if you had lots of money?

23- What would you say is your ideal weight? What can you do to achieve this weight?

24- Have you ever tried meditation? What health benefits can meditation give us?

25- What are some unhealthy habits that younger people have nowadays?

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