spot the difference coloring pages image

10 free printable spot the difference coloring pages

Spot the difference coloring pages

These coloring sheets are a lot of fun and engage learners to find visual differences between pictures. Besides the simple act of coloring they can also be used for ESL writing and speaking activities. These spot the difference coloring pages vary in difficulty with the easiest at the top of this page, becoming more difficult as you scroll down.

Once learners have identified the differences between the 2 pictures on each page, you can get them to describe the differences either orally or in writing. This will help them learn to create grammatically correct sentences while picking up new vocabulary along the way.

There are even some more spot the difference printable worksheets here at ESL Vault that are dedicated to these tasks.

The first easy coloring sheet is of a cute monkey hanging from a vine with only 5 differences to find.

Next we have a happy frog wearing a party hat.

The third spot the difference coloring page is a bit harder. It is more detailed with a witch stirring a cauldron with 10 differences between the pictures.

This would make for a great Halloween activity.

This sheet has a cute boy angel laying on a cloud.

Here we have 2 bears sleeping in a tent with the moon above them.

This spot the difference coloring page has pictures of a bear and a raccoon floating in a hot-air balloon.

Hoot hoot! This printable spot the difference sheet has pictures of 6 owls with 7 differences.

This spot the difference printable is of 6 funny dogs in a park on a sunny day. It makes for an interesting exercise for summer-themed lessons.

This coloring sheet has few kinds of birds, monkeys, a rabbit, and a spider. The animals all have differences in the way they are using their bodies.

This is a great activity for when you are teaching animal body parts and their verbs of movement.

The last of the spot the difference coloring pages features african savannah and jungle animals.

There is a giraffe, lion, hippo, snake, zebra, monkey, and a parrot

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