Camping conversation questions
This free worksheet contains a picture description activity and camping discussion questions for ESL classes. There is also a camping vocabulary matching worksheets page and a hiking conversation questions handout to take this lesson further.
The camping conversation questions are –
1 – What are some good places to go camping near your home?
2 – What is the most popular camping destination in your country?
3 – What things do you need to take when you go camping?
4 – Do you need a permit to go camping in your country?
5 – Do you worry about any animals when you go camping? Which ones?
6 – Do you know how to make a campfire? How do you do it?
7 – Which do you prefer, camping in the forest, on a beach, or in the mountains?
8 – What activities do you like to do when camping?
9 – Besides animals, what things are dangerous when you are camping?
10 – Do you like to sleep in a tent or just in a sleeping bag looking at the stars?
11 – What is the longest amount of time you have camped for?
12 – What kinds of food do you eat when you camp? How do you cook?
13 – Have you ever heard of glamping? What is it?
14 – Have you ever had a bad experience while camping?
15 – What things should you consider when choosing a place to pitch a tent?
16 – Have you ever been bothered by mosquitos when camping? What did you do?
17 – What clothes are good to take camping?
18 – What kinds of drinks do you like to take camping?
19 – Have you ever camped in the rain? How was it?
20 – Do you think you would enjoy camping for a week or a month?
21 – Have you ever gathered or caught any food while camping?
22 – Is it better to camp where there are many campers or in a quiet secluded place?
23 – If you went camping for many days what would you most miss from home?
24 – Is camping popular in your home country?
25 – What time do you usually go to sleep and wake up when you are camping?

A follow up writing activity
Check out the desert island writing activity for a good related exercise. There is also a printable page of desert island conversation questions if you want to continue speaking.