Breakfast conversation questions
Discussion questions on a topic everybody can talk about, the morning meal. This handout is fairly easy although there are a few words you may need to teach your students beforehand, such as – light/heavy meal, typical, boiled, poached, scrambled, fried, runny, egg yolk, skip breakfast, savoury, and routine.
For a perfect warm-up exercise use one of the breakfast vocabulary worksheets and consider watching the video contained on that same page.
Note that on this worksheet the American spelling of omelet has been used, British English uses omelette which comes directly from French. The British spelling savoury has also been used as opposed to the American version of savory.
You may also want to explain the meaning of the word breakfast which is a compound noun from the words break and fast. We fast (not eat) all night when we are sleeping. When we wake up and eat we break this fast, hence – breakfast.
The breakfast conversation questions are –
1 – Who do you usually eat breakfast with?
2 – Do you have a light or heavy meal in the morning?
3 – What do you eat for breakfast on a typical day? What do you drink?
4 – What do you think is the most delicious meal to eat for breakfast?
5 – At what time do you usually have breakfast?
6 – What is the best way to cook and eat eggs, boiled, poached, scrambled, or fried?
7 – Do you like your eggs to have a runny yolk? What do you put on your eggs?
8 – Do you often eat out for breakfast? Where do you go?
9 – How do you like your tea or coffee made?
10 – What is the best thing to put on your toast for breakfast?
11 – What do you think people eat for breakfast on the other side of the world?
12 – What is the worst breakfast you have ever eaten?
13 – Do you ever skip breakfast? If so, why? At what time do you get hungry?
14 – What is the difference between an English breakfast and an American breakfast?
15 – What things do you do while you are eating in the morning?
16 – Do you often cook your own breakfast? If not, who cooks for you?
17 – Do you prefer a sweet or savory breakfast?
18 – Have you ever had breakfast in bed? What did you eat and who served it?
19 – What is the traditional breakfast of your home country?
20 – How much time do you spend eating breakfast? Are you ever in a rush?
21 – Do you ever have leftovers in the morning?
22 – What is your favorite kind of cereal?
23 – Do you know how to cook an omelet? What is your recipe?
24 – What could you do to make your breakfast routine healthier?
25 – Which do you eat more of in the morning, fruit or meat?

Breakfast Idioms
Here are a few interesting idioms related to breakfast that you may want to introduce to your students.
A dog’s breakfast – This means something is messy, untidy, disorganized, or badly done. For example, a mother might say her child’s bedroom looks like a dog’s breakfast when things are strewn all over the room. You can also make a dog’s breakfast of something if you do it very badly or ruin it.
To eat someone for breakfast – This is to overcome or defeat a person easily. A person might tell you not to challenge someone else at something because they will eat you for breakfast. In other words, you have no chance of winning.
Bring home the bacon – This simply means to earn money for your family or to make a living working. Often in a family, one person will stay home to look after and raise the children while the other brings home the bacon.