easy drawings for beginners

19 Easy drawings for beginners (step by step)

Easy drawings for beginners

Drawing is a wonderful skill that is often underestimated by educators. It helps teach creativity, visualization, focus, and concentration. For younger learners, it is also important to develop hand-eye coordination as well as analytical skills.

Here are some easy drawing worksheets that will make this activity fun and exciting. The drawings may seem a little simple at first but this helps students gain confidence in their artistic abilities. More details, objects, and backgrounds can of course be added later to create complex sketches. These activities are perfect for those who are just starting out.

These free PDF drawing worksheets have step-by-step instructions for cute pictures. The printables have space below the instructions for students to attempt the sketches with the process of how to do so shown directly in front of them.

So far in the collection here, there are pages for how to draw a –

  • fish
  • seahorse
  • camel
  • giraffe
  • jellyfish
  • fox
  • bear
  • snail
  • butterfly
  • elephant
  • whale
  • penguin
  • mouse
  • dog (x2)
  • toucan
  • frog (x2)
  • owl
  • More drawing worksheets will be added later, but for now, enjoy sketching these cute animals with your students!

What you will need for the easy drawings for beginners

These activities are super simple and require only a few basic items to complete. First of all print out the easy drawing worksheets that you like and provide one or more to each student. Alternatively, you can project the worksheets one at a time and let students draw in their books or on blank sheets of paper.

Budding artists will of course need lead pencils and an eraser. Having pencil sharpeners on hand is also advisable. If you plan on coloring in the drawings you will also need colored pencils, markers, or crayons as well.

Using the drawing worksheets as a language activity

These drawing activities can of course be used in the ESL and general English language classroom. It all depends on how you integrate them into your lesson.

They can be supplements and fun activities for related classes such as those about nature or animals. The steps can be dictated as a listening exercise or even orated by students to describe the drawing process.

Completed drawings can also be described using language such as body parts, adjectives, and colors.

Very easy drawings for kids

The next few printable PDF pages have very easy drawings suitable for young learners. These sketches start with basic circles and don’t require much pencil-wielding dexterity at all!

The cute pictures are perfect for young children who are just starting out with sketching and show how to draw an owl, frog, and dog.

Related drawing activities

If you want to challenge your learners even further there are some more difficult drawing resources here at ESL Vault. They are generally best for older classes who are learning how to draw.

Firstly there are the mirror image drawing worksheets that require students to complete the second half of a picture in the same way. These easy drawing worksheets have a grid to follow to help with the process.

For even harder activities, try the finish the drawing worksheets. These have no grid and can be very challenging. Students also need to use their own creativity when completing these mostly complex drawings.

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