25 honesty and lies conversation questions

25 honesty and lies conversation questions

Honesty and lies conversation questions

This is an interesting discussion topic for teenagers and adults. How honest do you think you and your friends and family are? Find out with this free worksheet of honesty and lies conversation questions.

This speaking activity is suitable for intermediate-level ESL learners and above. The most difficult words and expressions in this exercise include – believe, acceptable, culture, hurt, upset, situation, find sth difficult, lie detector, find out, to question someone’s honesty, commit, crime, and protect.

The honesty and lies conversation questions are –


How do you feel when you are honest? How do you feel after you tell a lie?

What do you think are the 5 most common things that people tell lies about?

What is the biggest lie that you have ever been told? Did you believe it at the time?

Who is the most honest person that you know? Why are they so honest?

Did you ever tell lies when you were a child? What did you lie about?

What kinds of small lies are acceptable in your culture? Can you give examples?

Have you ever told a lie in order not to hurt somebodies feelings or upset them?

What did your parents teach you about honesty and lies? Has it been helpful?

Can you think of a situation in which you would find it difficult to be honest?

Do you think it is possible to beat a lie detector test? If so, how can it be done?

Is there a person that you are completely honest with and tell everything? Who?

Has a good friend ever lied to you? What did you do about it when you found out?

Do you think that it is possible for a person to be too honest? Why or why not?

If somebody gave you a gift that you really didn’t like, what would you say to them?

Do you find it easy to trust people? How do you know when you can trust a person?

What kind of body language would show you that a person is lying?

Has anybody ever questioned your honesty? What did you do about it?

Would you lie to people so that you could get a better job and more money?

Why do you think that it is important to be honest? What happens when people lie?

Would you tell a person that they looked good even if they looked terrible?

Have you ever had to say nothing and keep quiet so that you did not lie? Who to?

If a family member committed a crime would you lie to protect them or be honest?

Is it common for people in your country to lie about their age? Why or why not?

Have you ever lied about your health or how you felt? Why did you do it?

an illustration representing truth and lies

Honesty and lies idioms

Introduce these interesting related idioms once you have completed the honesty and lies conversation questions. See if your students can create sentences using them and think of any others. If you are teaching an ESL class, you can also find out what idioms your students have in their home country about the topic.

A white lie is a small lie that is not very important.

If you pull someone’s leg, you tell a lie as a joke on a person.

To lie through your teeth is to lie without caring at all, it can also mean telling a lot of lies.

If a lie has no legs, it is quite obviously a lie and is recognized as one very quickly.

A person who is as honest as the day is long is a very honest person.

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