Thanksgiving conversation questions
Thanksgiving is a time when families come together to eat and relax. It is most commonly celebrated in North America but does have some variations around the globe. You can use these Thanksgiving conversation questions to find out what your students and family think about this holiday.
This is a reasonably easy speaking activity that can be used for pre-intermediate level ESL learners and above. The most difficult terms in this exercise include – during, trimmings, dessert, thankful, invite, history, parade, Black Friday, and memory.
The Thanksgiving conversation questions are –
Where will you go this Thanksgiving? Where did you go last year?
What is your favorite food to eat during Thanksgiving? Who usually cooks it?
What kinds of trimmings do you like to eat with roast turkey?
Who do you usually meet at Thanksgiving each year? Does everyone get along?
What kinds of desserts does your family eat during Thanksgiving?
Have you ever cooked or had a bad meal at Thanksgiving time? What happened?
What does Thanksgiving mean to you? Is it an important day for your family?
What things can you be thankful for this year? Who can you be thankful to?
If you could invite anyone in the world to your Thanksgiving, who would it be?
What kinds of activities do you and your family do at Thanksgiving?
Is there anything that you don’t like about Thanksgiving? What is it and why?
What is the weather usually like during Thanksgiving? What was it like last year?
Did you learn anything new this year? What did you learn and how will it help you?
In what ways do you think that Thanksgiving was different 50 years ago?
Do you know the history and meaning behind Thanksgiving? What do you know?
Can you think of something funny or interesting that happened last Thanksgiving?
Have you ever been to a Thanksgiving parade? What did you see there?
What is the nicest thing that somebody else did for you in the past year?
Do you ever go shopping on Black Friday? What kinds of things do you often buy?
Is there any kind of food that is served during Thanksgiving that you don’t like?
At what time do you usually have Thanksgiving dinner? Is it the same every year?
How long does it take to cook a turkey? What is the best way to cook one?
What things do you do to help your family prepare for your Thanksgiving dinner?
What is the best or happiest Thanksgiving memory that you can think of?

Interesting facts about Thanksgiving
If you are not familiar with the history and origins of Thanksgiving, here is some information that you may find useful and want to share.
The origins of Thanksgiving are quite complex. There are similar harvest festivals and holidays around the world in countries such as Japan, Germany, and even Brazil.
Thanksgiving was declared to be a national holiday in the USA by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. The date was later changed to its current time (the 4th Thursday in November) by Franklin D Roosevelt in 1942.
Thanksgiving in the USA is most commonly thought to stem from a banquet in 1621 where pilgrims ate with native American Indians and showed thanks for a harvest. The native Americans had taught them how to grow corn and gather other kinds of food.