25 study conversation questions

25 study conversation questions

Study conversation questions

Here are some discussion questions about study, something that nearly everybody does when they are young. Sometimes people stop studying as they get older while others continue to learn throughout their lives. You can use these thought-provoking study conversation questions to see what your class or group thinks about study.

This speaking activity is best suited to intermediate-level ESL speakers and above. The most difficult terms used in it include – certificate, award, exhausted, tiring, manual labor, elderly, member, environment, concentrate, carpentry, public, and focus.

The study conversation questions are –


Do you enjoy studying? Are you studying anything at the moment? What is it?

How many hours a week do high school students study in your home country?

Which subjects do you think are easy to study? Which subjects are very difficult?

What is something that you would like to study and learn about in the future?

Do you have any certificates or awards that you have earned through studying?

What is the best school in your town or city? Why is it better than all the others?

Have you ever felt exhausted from study? Can study be as tiring as manual labor?

Do you know any elderly people who are studying? What are they learning about?

What kinds of things do you think will be important to study 30 years from now?

Is there anything that you studied at school that you think was a waste of time?

Do you like to listen to music while you study? What kind of music is most helpful?

How far away is your closest library? Are you a member? How often do you go there?

What do you think are the 3 most important subjects for children to study and why?

Do you ever wish that you had studied something different when you were younger?

What is a good environment for people to concentrate and study well in?

How do you feel about studying online? Is it better than learning in a classroom?

Do schools in your country teach students things such as cooking and carpentry?

Have you ever tried to learn another language? Which one? Were you successful?

For how many years do you have to study something before you are an expert in it?

Would you like to study overseas? Where would you go and what would you study?

Do you think that what you eat can affect your brain power and how well you study?

What is something that is not studied at public schools that you think should be?

For how many hours can you study before you get tired or start to lose focus?

a girl studying online with a headset

Idioms related to study

Once you have completed the study conversation questions, you can introduce these related idioms to keep the discussion going.

The old saying that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” means that it is more difficult to study as you become older.

A person who learns very quickly can be called a quick study. The opposite, a slow study, is of course someone who takes a lot of time to learn new things.

To cram is to try to learn a lot in a small amount of time. Students often do this the evening before an exam.

If you learn something by heart, you learn it completely and are able to remember all parts of it without a lot of thinking.

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