25 Healthy nutrition conversation questions
A free worksheet and list of questions about nutrition for English discussion.
Conversation questions worksheets for ESL students, teachers, and general English discussion. These worksheets can be used for a variety of English levels and from large to one-on-one classes.
You can browse the topics here by the thumbnail of the worksheets. If you are looking for a faster way to find things to talk about check out the conversation topics page which acts as an index for all the speaking worksheets and questions here at ESL Vault.
A free worksheet and list of questions about nutrition for English discussion.
An English discussion activity with questions about the gadgets and gizmos that people use.
A list and free PDF of English discussion questions about natural wonders.
An interesting discussion activity about elephants with a free PDF.
A free discussion worksheet with interesting questions about hometowns.
English discussion questions about languages for general conversation.
A free worksheet of clothing conversation questions for English discussion.
Discussion questions on the topic of fruit for English conversation.
An ESL and general English discussion activity about decisions and choices.
A free PDF and a list of discussion questions about childhood.